Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekly Recap 4-10-11

It was a weird week: weather, got busted, moose, death by Crossfit and spring is coming.

Let's start with the weather.

The temperatures have consistently been in the 40's during the day but at night drop into the teens and single digits. What melts during the day, refreezes at night. This has turned the parking lot at my enviable address into a death trap. Even with wearing my boots, I almost fall every time I walk to and from my apartment. Ice covered parking lots are not helpful to the Sister Mary's among us!  
All the breakup is creating a big mess. I am decidedly not a fan of this in-between seasons stage (that is the season of "snow" and "no-snow").  Drainage, or the lack thereof, is an issue at Jillian Square. A small lake prevents access to the trash dumpsters:

I could kayak in the driveway:

 Friday was a day of meteorological extremes. It snowed Thursday night. Big beautiful, fluffy flakes that looked like cotton candy. It was spectacular. I woke up Friday morning to this:

Yet, driving home 7 hours later, it was 53 degrees and perfect "roll down your window hang your arm out" kind of driving.

Which lead to me getting a speeding ticket....

I was traveling at a comfortable 70mph in a 55mph zone. No one drives 55 on this road when it's sunny and clear of ice. And who has expressways with a 55 speed limit anyway? I kept these thoughts to myself however as the North Pole police officer wrote me up. I was disappointed that it wasn't an Alaska State Trooper stopping me. I had been hoping to be on the show! The North Pole cop was at least nice (he wrote me up for only going 64mph) and didn't yell at me like the California cops do.

At Eielson, Smokey the Bear donned his Easter getup. 

Speaking of Eielson, I was busted there too. One morning this week while driving through the Eielson checkpoint I was singled out. Before I even pulled up to the kiosk I knew I was trouble. I saw the security officer in one kiosk look at me, look across the road to the man in my kiosk, point at me and saw her mouth the words, "picture". She wasn't pleased. 

Sunrise had been particularly pretty that morning and while waiting in line to pass through the checkpoint I snapped a picture. Evidently there is a "no photography" rule at the base entrance. I did not know this. I've been snapping pictures for two months now. At the base entrance!

I rolled up to the booth and was asked if I had taken a picture. I replied yes and offered to show the base boy my artistry. He looked at it, said, "okay ma'am" and indicated I could drive on. This was the offending picture:

I rounded out my evenings this week with Crossfit workouts. I went five consecutive days this week! We did it all: ring dips, power cleans, pull ups, power snatches, box jumps, toes to bar, burpees, bear crawls, hang squat cleans, kettle bell swings, and my favorite, sledgehammer swings (so cathartic!)

I added a new goal to my Crossfit workouts: don't cry. This follows don't stroke out and don't vomit. I've been doing great with the latter two goals, but almost cried during one workout, hence the added goal. There's no crying in Crossfit.

I do love Crossfit, though. It's fun and the best workout I've ever done. There is something deeply satisfying about it. Perhaps the satisfaction comes from my vision returning to normal after the workout. I'm not sure.

Saw my third moose!

Big news in Fairbanks this week! The first geese were spotted at Creamer's Field. This is apparently a sign that the non-snow season is near. Also, the first baby reindeer of the season was born at UAF's Reindeer Research Program. All very exciting, I assure you. (C'me on people -- we have to have something to talk about at the bars!)

Other big news... it is now light until 9:30 or so at night. This is all fine and good except for the fact that at the same time it's only 20 degrees. Warmer than -20, yes. But still, hardly patio sitting weather to enjoy Attitude Adjustment Hour. Poor Alaska. Nothing seems to line up quite right. When the temperature is warm enough to watch the stars at night, you can't see them because the sky isn't dark enough. When it is dark enough to see them, you have to endure sub-zero temperatures. 
Of course no week would be complete without a bourbon and soda. This week it was mandatory. The kids at school had state testing and I proctored the test for three days to a couple of students. I don't know who was in more pain: me or the kids. At least I was able to have a cocktail when I got home.

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