I read this blurb on the web tonight. It was in response to the question, "What is Fairbanks weather like?"
"The weather is probably Fairbanks's best kept secret. With less than 12
inches of annual rainfall and only 70 inches of light, dry snow each
year, Fairbanks has just the right weather for summer boating, fishing,
birding, hiking and winter snow-machining, snowshoeing and skiing.
Summer days are breezy, dry and warm and most winter days are clear or
slightly overcast with almost no wind."
This makes winter in Fairbanks sound downright balmy! How is it that so few people come to this veritable paradise? I don't understand.
Perhaps (and this is merely a suggestion) it's because the author of said note failed to mention the nose-hair freezing, front door frozen shut, don't-forget-to-plug-your-car-in-or-you're-screwed, freezing temperatures!