Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fielding Lake

In June I stayed at the Fielding Lake public use cabin for two nights. It's a great spot. I was glad to have the cabin though because the wind was ferocious. And when it did stop the mosquitos came out in full force. If I'd been tent camping I would've been miserable. I kayaked one day. The wind was just tolerable. Not so bad that I couldn't get anywhere, or was worried about tipping over, but strong enough that when I stopped to take a picture I was blown back and lost ground.

The cabin. 
My favorite look for my car -- kayak on top.

View from the cabin.
Cabin window view.
View from the veranda.
Looking the opposite way.

Lunch spot.
Drying out.
Road leading to the lake. Cabin is on the right; lake on the left. 
View from the boat launch.