Let me start at the beginning. I'm intrigued these days by the blog (Zero Waste Home) and the author's efforts to have a zero waste household. It's pretty amazing what she does. Yes, she is extreme, And yes, she does things that I am not likely to ever be comfortable doing (turning down a glass of wine at a party because it's in a plastic cup? Oh, hell to the no!)
Her commitment though is admirable. And her blog has caused me to question my own habits and look more closely at how I might reduce my household trash. I recycle, but could cut down on the amount of packaging that I bring into the house.
So...I made almond milk. A lot, of almond milk. Like 8000 gallons worth of almond milk. I read the recipe and said to myself, "2 cups! That's not enough!" I quadrupled it. And somehow that multiplied and I have over a gallon of almond milk.
I don't drink a gallon of almond milk in a month.
Yet now (according to my interwebs research), I have to drink it all within three days or it'll spoil -- since it's not full of preservatives and such it won't keep. Super. I should've stuck to the directions.
Better get drinkin'!
Her commitment though is admirable. And her blog has caused me to question my own habits and look more closely at how I might reduce my household trash. I recycle, but could cut down on the amount of packaging that I bring into the house.
So...I made almond milk. A lot, of almond milk. Like 8000 gallons worth of almond milk. I read the recipe and said to myself, "2 cups! That's not enough!" I quadrupled it. And somehow that multiplied and I have over a gallon of almond milk.
I don't drink a gallon of almond milk in a month.
Yet now (according to my interwebs research), I have to drink it all within three days or it'll spoil -- since it's not full of preservatives and such it won't keep. Super. I should've stuck to the directions.
Better get drinkin'!