Sunday, August 11, 2013

No Chickens Were Harmed

Yesterday was the Crossfit Fitness Derby. And unlike last year, no chickens died (click here for that story). This year, the fair folks made sure the Derby was on the opposite side of the fairgrounds from the Cluck Hut. And unlike last year, I participated this year! I was going to wax eloquent about the metaphor one can draw between sports competition and life; not believing your own stories about what you think you can do (I even found a nice Bruce Lee quote). Blah, blah, blah, whatever. I'm tired. Too tired to even hold a thought in my head.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Not Your Mama's Butter Cream

Alas...I was not a Blue Ribbon Winner at this year's Tanana Valley State Fair. I entered a flourless chocolate cake (one of my specialties) and it won 2nd place. It's hard to be satisfied with 2nd place when you know it should have been Fair champion. I was robbed.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

"The Way We Talk"

As a speech therapist I have worked with clients who stutter, and I have friends who stutter. It is my belief that stuttering is not an affliction that needs to be cured or fixed. Rather, it is the societal belief that stuttering is wrong, that needs to change.