Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dog Mushing!

Today was the start of the Yukon Quest Dog Sled race. A bunch of us headed downtown to watch the teams take off. The Quest runs 1000 miles between Fairbanks and Whitehorse, Canada. The trail follows historical Gold Rush and Mail Delivery dog sled routes from the turn of the 20th Century. Each year the start alternates between Fairbanks and Whitehorse. Last year the race finished in Fairbanks so this year it started in the 'banks. The race lasts 10-16 days. Having driven the road between Whitehorse and Fairbanks I can't imagine covering that territory by sled!

Start line, downtown Fairbanks on the Chena River.

It was a cold morning at -24. We managed to stay and watch three of the 24 teams leave, before heading inside to defrost ourselves.

First team is off!

Henlie planning her future mushing team.

Loaded sled!

The gang!

The dogs have shoes and coats too!

A team getting ready to cross the start line.

We should have used this to keep warm!