Yesterday I spent one of these lovely afternoons with my two favorite four year olds: cousins Henlie and Savannah. You may remember from The Things Strangers Say post that my friend Rushell was expecting a baby. She went into labor yesterday and baby Jack arrived early this morning. While laboring, Henlie and Savannah's moms (Hollie and Nicole, respectively) were with Rushell.
With the moms at the hospital that left me in charge of the girls. I debated about what to do with the hooligans. Teach them the invaluable skill of how to make a good cocktail? Teach them the fine art of intellectual debate? (i.e., discuss the finer points of whiskey vs bourbon vs scotch? We went for a walk. It was too nice of a day to be inside and I wanted to be darn sure the girls were tired for 8:30 bedtime.
I also needed a walk to keep my muscles from seizing up! I started back at Crossfit this week and my muscles are balking. I've been reminded of my Crossfit goals: don't throw up, don't stroke out, don't cry and don't pee my pants. With two workouts done, I'm 4 for 4!
Our walk was what everyone needed: it kept me loose and the girls got their quota of running, splashing, and yelling. The gold and amber colors were a perfect backdrop for the silliness that is a 4 year old.
The girls found a puddle to play in.
While walking the girls were playing "leader" and taking turns carrying a stick. At one point Savannah was carrying the stick and Henlie wanted a turn. I told Savannah at the next driveway it'd be Henlie's turn. Savannah proceeded to toss the stick into the bushes and yell, "too late!"
Look how sweet. No one would ever suspect the sassafras within!
Henlie found a huge dandelion!
Silliness abounded and we all survived. Although somehow it escaped me that Savannah used baby oil to wash her hair while in the bathtub. I must have been slicing lime for my Tecate.